Disability Insurance

Find income protection for when employees are unable to work.

Even though you do the best to avoid it, sometimes people get sick or hurt, preventing them from working. When an accident or illness makes it impossible for your employees to work for any period of time, disability insurance helps cover their expenses when they aren’t receiving a paycheck.

What is short-term disability?

Short-term disability, according to our world-class providers, picks up where sick time leaves off. The insurance plan will replace income missed while an individual is recovering from a disabling condition. Professionals who tend to acquire disability insurance protection include surgeons, dentists, medical specialists, lawyers, and executives.

What is long-term disability?

Long-term disability will protect income when a disabling condition impacts an individual’s ability to work for an extended period of time.

Disability Insurance protection for employees Florida

Who qualifies for disability insurance?

Short-term disability usually comes into effect when someone sustains an injury that prevents them from working for as long as six months. Long-term disability insurance is often used for ongoing health issues like back injuries, cancer, and heart disease.

How much does disability insurance cost?

The amount will vary, but typically disability insurance costs between one and four percent of an employee’s annual salary.

Have questions about disability insurance? We can help. Contact us today to get personalized advice and top-quality, custom coverage for your team.


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